How Air Pressure Affects Air Humidity

by Joshua

Air Pressure, Humidity

air-humidity-photo-by-superfantastic.jpg Air humidity refers to moisture in the air. Too much humidity makes it feel muggy and ‘sticky’ out.

Too little humidity may mean dry skin and a ‘crisp’ feeling outdoors.

Air pressure can affect humidity. But how does air pressure affect humidity

Here’s a look at the issue of air pressure and humidity in a nutshell:

  • High pressure is a mass of descending (sinking air) and, usually, lower humidity. Sinking air and relatively lower humidity are major reasons why high pressure is often associated with fair weather.
  • Low pressure is a mass of rising air. Relative humidity is usually higher in areas of low pressure; low pressure enables the air mass to hold more water at high altitudes and thus enhances the chances for storms.