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Everyone should have a basic survival kit at home. Here's how to make a DIY emergency survival kit for severe weather, natural disasters & other emergencies

Survival Rule Of 3's: Do you know how long you could survive without food? Without shelter? Without water? Do you have an emergency survival kit? Start here

Learn about the 7 weird weather events we're seeing lately: Deadly heat, Record rain, Monster hurricanes, Firenados, Record snow, Chemtrails, Strange clouds

Wondering how to properly tarp a leaking roof? You need: a tarp, a few boards, and screws. Step-by-step DIY instructions + The best tarps for roof leaks.

Wind damage can be caused by many weather storms, including hurricanes & tornadoes. Here are the 3 scales that are used to measure wind strength & damage.

Clouds that make rain or precipitation (like sleet & snow) are called Nimbus clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds and Nimbostratus clouds are the 2 most common ones.

I'm a weather bug living in Hurricane Alley, and I recently bought a Midland WR120 weather radio. See why it's one of the best weather radios (pros & cons).

Getting struck by lightning is no joke. Here's how to avoid being struck by lighting outside, and how to protect yourself indoors during a lightning storm.

Fun DIY Halloween costume ideas for a weatherman (or a weatherman wannabee). Simple Weather costume ideas for kids & adults with photos & tutorials to make weather costumes yourself.