Outdoor FunSevere Weather Tips

Everything you need to know when severe weather hits! Learn how to prepare, what you need to have on hand, and step-by-step advice for surviving severe weather. Whether you’re heading to the beach, skiing in the mountains, or simply sending your kids off to school, you’ll appreciate these expert weather tips.

Road ice is dangerous not just during the winter but all year long! Here's how to drive on ice in 5 scenarios: snow, sleet, black ice, hail, and manmade ice

Lightning kills 55% more Americans than tornadoes - which have a 41% death rate. Here are the simplest tips you should keep in mind during lightning.

These lightning safety tips could save your life. Here's how to protect yourself from lightning strikes - especially if you're stuck outside during a storm.

Everyone should have a basic survival kit at home. Here's how to make a DIY emergency survival kit for severe weather, natural disasters & other emergencies

Survival Rule Of 3's: Do you know how long you could survive without food? Without shelter? Without water? Do you have an emergency survival kit? Start here

Flood cleanup is a necessary task for most of us -- due to severe storms, rain, or snow melt. 25 tips that make the house flood cleanup process quick & easy

Wondering how to properly tarp a leaking roof? You need: a tarp, a few boards, and screws. Step-by-step DIY instructions + The best tarps for roof leaks.

If a hurricane or storm has passed through your area, what should you do -- and NOT do? 10 hidden dangers you need to be aware of after a hurricane or storm

Post-hurricane safety tips and survival tactics. These 3 things can make ALL the difference in whether you can survive after a hurricane... or not.