Flood cleanup is a necessary task for most of us -- due to severe storms, rain, or snow melt. 25 tips that make the house flood cleanup process quick & easy
The Ultimate Evacuation Pack List - See what the experts say you should pack for evacuation + What I packed when I was forced to evacuate recently. #weather
Clouds that make rain or precipitation (like sleet & snow) are called Nimbus clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds and Nimbostratus clouds are the 2 most common ones.
What does it mean when you see an anvil shaped cloud in the sky? Everything you want to know about anvil cloud formation & what these thunderheads mean.
Know what causes white lines in the sky behind airplanes? They're contrails (not chemtrails). So, what is cloud seeding and how does it affect the weather?
Fair weather cumulus clouds form when the weather is stable & good. These puffy white clouds mean its safe to go out and enjoy the outdoors w/o the risk of bad weather