Outdoor FunWeather 101

mog pollution can block out sunlight and cause cities to sit in a dangerous haze that can trigger serious health problems and even death. Photo by Nagyman on Flickr.

Fog and smog may sound like similar words, but they mean 2 very different things. Fog is caused by various condensation, temperature, and wind combinations. Smog pollution is the soupy, dangerous result of what happens when pollutants get trapped in the air.

Knowing what all those weather symbols mean on your local weather map can be a piece of cake!

The weather ultimately determines why and how the leaves turn color each Fall. A small change in the weather can easily affect how colorful the leaves will be. Things such as the amount of moisture in the soil, temperature, and even the length of the days affect what colors the leaves will eventually turn -- and even the brightness and hue of those colors.

Sea Surface Temperatures (SSTs) are an extremely important factor in what drives the weather, affecting you throughout the year.

Climate change is always a hot topic these days. Find out what climate change, global warming, and global cooling mean for you.

Cold fronts always bring cooler weather, but they don't always bring storms and clouds. Find out which type of cold fronts bring the rain and snow and what types of cold fronts leave you high and dry.

When New England fall colors arrive earlier than usual, is it a sign of climate change? Here's the answer.

Hurricane Rita struck the United States on September 23rd and 24th of 2005. Some interesting facts, photos, and videos about Hurricane Rita's aftermath.

An anemometer measures wind speed. Here's how to build your own anemometer with items around your house. Plus, professional models you can buy.