Outdoor FunWeather 101

Weather 101: Helpful information about weather events that affect you. We help you understand and prepare for Mother Nature’s ever-changing weather patterns

What is Hoarfrost and why does it form? WeathermanTim takes a look at a process called sublimation, something which can lead to a beautiful morning!

What we consider 'normal' temperature is really anything but normal. Here's an explanation of what 'normal' in terms of the weather really means.

Do you know the differences between low pressure vs high pressure in terms of the weather? Here's a detailed explanation of each...

What is fog? Here is a weatherman's explanation of fog -- which is really just a big cloud sitting on the ground.

Wind blows because of differences in air pressure or pressure gradient. The bigger the gradient, the stronger the wind. Here's more about why the wind blows...

Have you seen gropple before? It's also known as graupel or snow pellets. It's a strange combination of snow and sleet and ice falling from the sky.

It's time to change your burned-out lightbulbs, the batteries in your smoke detectors, flip the mattresses, clean out the gutters, and why not just schedule your next mammogram while you're at it? They say it's good to schedule such things around pertinent dates -- such as your Birthday... or Daylight Savings Time, right?

Indiana legislators passed a law requiring the entire state to honor Daylight Savings Time... Finally!