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When does summer end? The calendar tells us one thing, but astronomy tells us something else. See how meteorologists officially determine the end of summer.

Have you ever seen a sun halo? They're actually quite rare. See what causes a sun halo, the shapes that sun halos take on, and what a sun halo really means.

Total vs Partial Solar Eclipse: The difference between total and partial solar eclipses. Is a partial solar eclipse worth seeing? Worth traveling for? (YES)

Wave clouds are unique & rare cloud formations in the shape of breaking ocean waves as seen from the side. Here's why and how Kelvin-Helmholtz wave clouds form. (And the best places to see them!)

Fun DIY Halloween costume ideas for a weatherman (or a weatherman wannabee). Simple Weather costume ideas for kids & adults with photos & tutorials to make weather costumes yourself.

What's the difference between partly cloudy and mostly sunny? Mostly cloudy vs. partly sunny? See official definitions for all forms of cloud coverage in the sky, according to the National Weather Service.

See the ONLY time it's safe to view a solar eclipse with your naked eyes, 4 things to look for when buying eclipse glasses, and how to make a pinhole viewer.

Solar Eclipse

The Great American Solar Eclipse (2017 total solar eclipse) is August 21, 2017 in 12 states. Here's a map, best places to view it, how to safely watch it, when future solar eclipses will occur.

The most dangerous weather events are lightning, tornadoes, winter storms, extreme heat & floods. These 31 deadly weather facts prove it! Protect yourself.