I'm a weather geek from Florida who's been studying meteorology and watching weather patterns for years! I enjoy sharing little-known facts and fun stuff about the weather. I especially like sharing interesting details about weather events and conditions that can affect you... and how to prepare for Mother Nature's ever-changing weather patterns.
I'm a weather bug living in Hurricane Alley, and I recently bought a Midland WR120 weather radio. See why it's one of the best weather radios (pros & cons).
What does it mean when you see an anvil shaped cloud in the sky? Everything you want to know about anvil cloud formation & what these thunderheads mean.
When does summer end? The calendar tells us one thing, but astronomy tells us something else. See how meteorologists officially determine the end of summer.
Know what causes white lines in the sky behind airplanes? They're contrails (not chemtrails). So, what is cloud seeding and how does it affect the weather?
Have you ever seen a sun halo? They're actually quite rare. See what causes a sun halo, the shapes that sun halos take on, and what a sun halo really means.
The jet stream is one of the most key elements in determining our weather. Find out how the jet stream works, where it's found in the atmosphere, and some of the very important roles it plays in driving our weather.
Hurricane categories are used to estimate property damage (1 to 5 scale). See max wind speeds + Types of damage you can expect from each hurricane category.
Did you know there are 3 different kinds of twilight that take place before sunrise and after sunset? Hare are the official definitions for the 3 twilights: civil twilight, nautical twilight, and astronomical twilight.
Total vs Partial Solar Eclipse: The difference between total and partial solar eclipses. Is a partial solar eclipse worth seeing? Worth traveling for? (YES)