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Learn about the 7 weird weather events we're seeing lately: Deadly heat, Record rain, Monster hurricanes, Firenados, Record snow, Chemtrails, Strange clouds

Here are 3 examples where the color of a cloud, combined with the thickness of that cloud, can give you some idea of what's going on weather-wise in the skies behind it. These are scattered cumulus clouds, towering cumulus clouds, and scattered cumulus clouds.

Clouds that make rain or precipitation (like sleet & snow) are called Nimbus clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds and Nimbostratus clouds are the 2 most common ones.

Check out that anvil cloud off in the distance behind me. Anvil clouds can become thunderheads and often cause stormy weather.

What does it mean when you see an anvil shaped cloud in the sky? Everything you want to know about anvil cloud formation & what these thunderheads mean.

Know what causes white lines in the sky behind airplanes? They're contrails (not chemtrails). So, what is cloud seeding and how does it affect the weather?

The ozone layer is found in the stratosphere and helps protect us from ultra violet light. Find out about the ozone hole and how nations around the world are helping to fix it.

Everything you need to plan a Northern Lights trip - where to see Aurora Borealis in the US, best time of year & time of day to see the Northern Lights, and best apps & sites to stay up-to-date with the Aurora Borealis lights near you.

Fair weather cumulus clouds form when the weather is stable & good. These puffy white clouds mean its safe to go out and enjoy the outdoors w/o the risk of bad weather

Is heat lightning real? Is there such a thing as heat lightning? See what heat lightning is, what causes it, and why you can't hear thunder from it.