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Weather gifts are great for those who love the weather. But if you're not sure what to give the meteorologists you know and love, check out these awesome weather gift ideas sure to light up the weather bug in your life!

The environment can affect our health in many ways. It only seems logical that pain, mood, and general well-being would all be affected by changes in the weather, as that is all part of the environment we live in.

The weather ultimately determines why and how the leaves turn color each Fall. A small change in the weather can easily affect how colorful the leaves will be. Things such as the amount of moisture in the soil, temperature, and even the length of the days affect what colors the leaves will eventually turn -- and even the brightness and hue of those colors.

When New England fall colors arrive earlier than usual, is it a sign of climate change? Here's the answer.

Hurricane Rita struck the United States on September 23rd and 24th of 2005. Some interesting facts, photos, and videos about Hurricane Rita's aftermath.

See the role that the 3 water states -- solid, liquid, and gas -- play in weather and meteorology. Plus, see what storm clouds are like and what the sizes and colors of the clouds in the sky can tell us.

Wondering how to properly tarp a leaking roof? You need: a tarp, a few boards, and screws. Step-by-step DIY instructions + The best tarps for roof leaks.

Post-hurricane safety tips and survival tactics. These 3 things can make ALL the difference in whether you can survive after a hurricane... or not.

The Dog Days of Summer are legendary, traditional, educational... and hot!