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Hurricane Categories are used to estimate property damage (1 to 5 scale). See max wind speeds + Types of damage you can expect from 5 Hurricane Categories.

I live in a hurricane evacuation zone, so I went to a hurricane shelter. Here's what I've learned firsthand about staying at an emergency shelter during a storm.

Is a sandstorm the same as a dust storm? How & where do sandstorms occur? What does all the sand that gets blown away during a sand storm go? Answers here!

Wave clouds are unique & rare cloud formations in the shape of breaking ocean waves as seen from the side. Here's why and how Kelvin-Helmholtz wave clouds form. (And the best places to see them!)

Fun DIY Halloween costume ideas for a weatherman (or a weatherman wannabee). Simple Weather costume ideas for kids & adults with photos & tutorials to make weather costumes yourself.

Hurricane wind can do damage even when the center of the storm is offshore or a great distance from you. Check out how strong winds must be to qualify as hurricane strength and the planes they're now using to conduct hurricane research.

A derecho storm is similar to a tornado -- just as damaging, powerful, and deadly. Now see what makes a derecho wind storm different from a tornado!

Have you heard about a major storm being called a Category 6 hurricane? That's fake news! There are only 5 hurricane categories. See why Category 6 hurricanes don't exist.

Snow Squalls

A snow squall is a short but intense snow storm with whiteout conditions that happens quickly. Here's how to prepare for a snow squall in your area.