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Bored? Not a great day to be outdoors? You can stay entertained indoors with these challenging and fun weather quiz tests.

Here's some good news -- 2009 was a relatively good year in terms of the climate disaster occurrence numbers. There were fewer climate disasters and fewer deaths because of them in 2009 than in 2008.

Your homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage. Without home flood insurance, you could end up paying $311 a MONTH for a disaster home loan in order to get your life back in order after a flood, whereas if you'd had flood insurance, you would have been paying an average of $370 a YEAR - even less in low to moderate risk areas!

Doing these 5 things will help to ensure that your property is not seriously damaged in the event of flooding. These things will also protect your family from fires, sewage contamination, and having to spend thousands of dollars replacing systems within your home after a house flood.

Wonder about the likelihood of your home encountering flood waters should a flood occur at some point in the future? Use these 2 online tools to determine if your home is in a flood zone or not. It's quick, easy... and FREE!

A tropical depression is an area of tropical weather that's stormy, centralized, can pack winds up to 38 miles per hour, and can often become a stronger system like a tropical storm, hurricane, or typhoon.

FEMA for Kids is a safe online resource for games, weather and disaster information. It's also one of the few kids weather sites that also has fun weather activities for kids online.

One of the most important things you can have in your home is a survival kit that will help keep you and your loved ones safe when severe weather strikes. Here's what to include in your home survival kit.

Hurricanes can be devastating and can leave behind all sorts of destruction ...on people, as well as property. If a hurricane has passed through your area what should you do first? Here are some things you need to be aware of after a hurricane has done its damage in your town.