Articles Tagged:

Air Pressure

Atmospheric rivers are narrow streams of moisture in the atmosphere that can cause prolonged periods of heavy rain or snow.

Pineapple Express is the whimsical, nontechnical name of one of the most famous atmospheric rivers on the planet! Everything you want to know

Bomb cyclones are rapidly intensifying storms that can cause great destruction.

Wondering what a bomb cyclone is and why you're hearing more about bomb cyclones these days? Everything you want to know about this winter weather storm phenomenon.

El Nino

Find out how and why El Nino forms, what it means for our climate, the type of weather it brings, and how it affects us in ways you might not even realize. 

Want to know what the wind chill is outside? Or how close you are to lightning? These online weather calculators are FREE!

A weather model is one of the most important tools in making a weather forecast. Now you can make your own weather forecasts using weather models from the National Weather Service!

Bored? Not a great day to be outdoors? You can stay entertained indoors with these challenging and fun weather quiz tests.

You might know about Ben Franklin the inventor, but how about Ben Franklin -- weather pioneer? Yes, Ben Franklin contributed many things to meteorology. His studies of weather patterns and other meteorological phenomena helped further our understanding of weather, with many of his theories and observations withstanding the test of time.

Barometers are a highly important tool in forecasting weather. Barometers measure air pressure, and the effects of air pressure can create all kinds of weather -- from violent storms to pleasant cool days.

The global warming debate gets hotter as two respected scientists battle it out in a debate in front of a group of meteorologists.