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The Clean Air Act is a set of United States laws and codes that aim to reduce air pollution and regulate air quality.

St. Elmo's Fire is an awe-inspiring weather phenomena which can bring blue or violet glowing streaks to the tops and edges of grounded objects during thunderstorms or when there's lots of static electricity in the air.

Here are 5 fun sun facts that will heat up your interest in the star that keeps us warm from afar.

If you're concerned about the environment and global warming, then you'll be glad to know there are very simple things you can do to help protect the tropical rainforest. Here are some ways to stop global warming and save the rainforest.

LED traffic lights might save money on the power bill, but in the winter they may cost your life. Find out why LED traffic signals may be dangerous during the winter and what may be done about this sticky problem.

Who knew that there was a difference between the concepts of alternate fuel and alternate energy? Not many people on Planet Earth! We have made ourselves so dependent upon power from fossil fuel sources, that the entire world is being held captive by a very few oil-rich countries. How did these few sources come to have so much and other countries so little? They got it by eminent domain -- it was on their land when they arrived.

It's hard to know who to believe about Global Warming. We know the planet is warming, but how much of the warming is caused by humans? We're all searching for answers.