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Hearing loud booms outside? Probably an ice quake. Here's what you need to know about ice quakes & other things that can cause loud booms during the winter.

Hurricane shutters and hurricane windows provide two key ways to save your home from damage to hurricane-force winds.

Making a hurricane safe home is perhaps the best way to keep you and your family safe when the weather gets rough.

Do you know if you'd be safer opening the windows in your home during a tornado or hurricane or not? Find out here.

Every winter somewhere in this country an unusually heavy snowfall will result with some buildings collapsing under the extreme weight of snow accumulating on the roof. Though the nightly news may only converge on large industrial or commercial buildings that buckle under the stress, this is indeed a concern that every homeowner needs to take seriously.

Lightning kills 55% more Americans than tornadoes -- which come in at a 41% death rate for Americans. That's pretty high, so it's important to take electrical storms very seriously. Here are the simplest tips you should keep in mind during lightning or an electrical storm.

Here are the best instructions I could find for making temporary roof repairs in the event that a storm -- like a hurricane or tornado -- has crossed paths with your house. See how to fix your damaged roof using a tarp and some boards.