Fun Weather StuffOutdoor Fun

Fun DIY Halloween costume ideas for a weatherman (or a weatherman wannabee). Simple Weather costume ideas for kids & adults with photos & tutorials to make weather costumes yourself.

A snow house is made very similar to an igloo, except it is rectangular and doesn't include a roof. Last year, we made 2 snow houses which became castles and forts that all of the kids in the neighborhood enjoyed playing in.

Fun snow activities to enjoy with your kids! See how to make colorful snow art, fun snow sculptures, a backyard skating rink, and lots of other fun winter snow games to play with kids.

See the ONLY time it's safe to view a solar eclipse with your naked eyes, 4 things to look for when buying eclipse glasses, and how to make a pinhole viewer.

Thinking of becoming meteorologist one day? Behind-the-scenes tours of TV weather stations + Tips to help you become a meteorologist or weather person.

Solar Eclipse

The Great American Solar Eclipse (2017 total solar eclipse) is August 21, 2017 in 12 states. Here's a map, best places to view it, how to safely watch it, when future solar eclipses will occur.

Winter Weather

Winter weather can do strange things - like cause extreme blizzards, snow tornadoes, and even weird icy formations. Don't believe me? Check out these videos!

Autumn Leaves

Want the best chance of seeing colorful autumn leaves? Here are 4 fun, easy tips that help me find great fall foliage color every year!

Spring Weather Events

Spring weather brings all kinds of amazing sights, including blooming flowers and baby animals. Find out what else spring has in store for nature lovers!