Outdoor FunTools & Forecasts

Haven’t you always wanted to predict the weather? Now you can! Here you’ll find reviews of the most popular weather tools & apps, tips for determining the air quality where you live, and how to track hurricanes and other weather events.

As seen in the often-inaccurate 7-day forecasts and off-the-mark hurricane predictions, weather forecasting is still an imperfect science. Meteorologists, however, will keep on trying to do a better job as our understanding of the weather and improvements in technology make weather forecasting more accurate.

Barometers are a highly important tool in forecasting weather. Barometers measure air pressure, and the effects of air pressure can create all kinds of weather -- from violent storms to pleasant cool days.

Want to know more about how space weather affects you? The Space Weather Phone and Space Weather Alerts inform you when events like meteor showers, the Northern Lights, and solar flares will be visible for you to see and enjoy from your own backyard!

Getting a weather forecast that is accurate to 9 days out can be difficult. Getting a 6-month or year-long weather forecast leaves even more room for error. Yet, meteorologists are trying to make these types of long range weather forecasts and predictions anyhow.

Watching a meteor shower is one of the most exciting and even awe-inspiring celestial events to watch. Meteors can almost always be seen streaking across the sky somewhere. They happen rather frequently. Here's when to see the next meteor shower.

If you see a prism effect of colors in the sky, is it a rainbow, a sundog, or a parhelion? Here's how to tell the difference, plus tips for viewing sun dogs in the sky.

You can predict the weather without a forecast if you know what signs to look for in the sky and things going on around you. Here's how to use Mother Nature's signs to forecast weather yourself!

To see what the weather was like on ANY day in history, use this free online tool called Today in Weather History. Have fun exploring dates that have special meaning to you!

Here's how to get a good local weather forecast. It works for me! Plus, tips for forecasting weather yourself... it's fun!