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Clouds that make rain or precipitation (like sleet & snow) are called Nimbus clouds. Cumulonimbus clouds and Nimbostratus clouds are the 2 most common ones.

I'm a weather bug living in Hurricane Alley, and I recently bought a Midland WR-120 weather radio. Here's why I think it's one of the best weather radios.

Getting struck by lightning is no joke. Here's how to avoid being struck by lighting outside, and how to protect yourself indoors during a lightning storm.

Fun DIY Halloween costume ideas for a weatherman (or a weatherman wannabee). Simple Weather costume ideas for kids & adults with photos & tutorials to make weather costumes yourself.

A derecho storm is similar to a tornado -- just as damaging, powerful, and deadly. Now see what makes a derecho wind storm different from a tornado!

Here are 7 weird weather events we're hearing about lately -- deadly heat, record rain, monster hurricanes, firenados, record snowfall, chemtrails, and weird clouds.

The best survival kits. Everyone should have one - especially if you enjoy the outdoors. The 10 best survival kits for home, work, and travel + The 8 best survival tools that could save your life.

The most dangerous weather events are lightning, tornadoes, winter storms, extreme heat & floods. These 31 deadly weather facts prove it! Protect yourself.

Where is Tornado Alley? What about Dixie Alley, Hoosier Alley and Carolina Alley? Here's an updated Tornado Alley map plus Tornado Alley facts & safety tips