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Do you know if you'd be safer opening the windows in your home during a tornado or hurricane or not? Find out here.

You've seen storm chasers and weather spotters featured on the local and national news. Plenty of times, right? Ever wonder how you can become an official weather spotter for the National Weather Service? Well, I did it. I became an NOAA weather spotter. Here's how...

Soon, the FCC will begin broadcasting emergency alerts via text messages on cellphones nationwide. Think: hurricane warnings, Amber alerts, terrorist attacks, earthquakes, tornadoes, and more. This is a good thing. Here's why...

Do you want to track the big thunderstorms just like the pros? You can using the links found here!

You MUST have a NOAA Weather Radio. You simply MUST. Here's why, plus the best weather radios to choose from.

Here are the best instructions I could find for making temporary roof repairs in the event that a storm -- like a hurricane or tornado -- has crossed paths with your house. See how to fix your damaged roof using a tarp and some boards.


Do you know how long you can survive without food? Without shelter? Without water? Without air? You should teach everyone in your family The Rule of Threes in case you ever find yourself stranded and seeking rescue.