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The Little Ice Age brought about a major climate change and centuries of cooler weather -- including the 'Year Without A Summer.'

Hypercanes are the most severe hurricanes that could ever form. Just how high could the winds of such a mega hurricane be? The answer might blow your socks off.

The eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull may affect the global climate. If it does, it wouldn't be the first time a volcano contributed to climate change. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo actually helped to lower temperatures!

Bored? Not a great day to be outdoors? You can stay entertained indoors with these challenging and fun weather quiz tests.

One of the most important things you can have in your home is a survival kit that will help keep you and your loved ones safe when severe weather strikes. Here's what to include in your home survival kit.

Some scientists believe that another Ice Age will happen again someday in the future. However, miniature ice ages -- or short periods of cooling -- can occur due to natural events like volcanoes.