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Post-hurricane safety tips and survival tactics. These 3 things can make ALL the difference in whether you can survive after a hurricane... or not.

The Dog Days of Summer are legendary, traditional, educational... and hot!

A storm surge is the bulge of water that rises under a hurricane or tropical storm when it makes land. See why storm surge is so dangerous + How to stay safe

All the BEST hilarious videos of wacky weathermen who pushed the limits of what's appropriate to be seen (& heard) on Live TV while discussing the weather!

The Ultimate Evacuation Pack List - See what the experts say you should pack for evacuation + What I packed when I was forced to evacuate recently. #weather

Following are some ways that you can protect your home and your property from a wildfire. Remember, these are things you'll need to do now... BEFORE a wildfire is present.

Getting struck by lightning is no joke. Here's how to avoid being struck by lighting outside, and how to protect yourself indoors during a lightning storm.

Is a sandstorm the same as a dust storm? How & where do sandstorms occur? What does all the sand that gets blown away during a sand storm go? Answers here!

Fun DIY Halloween costume ideas for a weatherman (or a weatherman wannabee). Simple Weather costume ideas for kids & adults with photos & tutorials to make weather costumes yourself.