Outdoor FunSevere Weather Tips

Everything you need to know when severe weather hits! Learn how to prepare, what you need to have on hand, and step-by-step advice for surviving severe weather. Whether you’re heading to the beach, skiing in the mountains, or simply sending your kids off to school, you’ll appreciate these expert weather tips.

Snow on Car

Here are the laws and states where it's illegal to drive with snow & ice on your car. Videos show the dangers + why you need a snow broom / windshield cover

Don't gamble on the weather! Weather insurance protects you from delays & cancellations due to rain, snow, temps, wind, event cancellations & travel delays.

We've all heard lightning myths that just aren't true. I'm going to debunk 7 of them right now.... Here are 7 lightning FACTS you need to know to stay safe!

Hurricane Season

Paying attention to the hurricane forecast? There are 5 important new storm forecast changes for hurricane season. See what the changes are, why they were made, and how they affect you.

One of my friends describes her scary experience of being struck by lightning during pregnancy. And I have some lightning safety tips if you're caught outside

Before you grab a snow shovel, here's some snow shoveling etiquette you should know! Do's and don'ts when it comes to shoveling snow at your home.

Road ice is dangerous not just during the winter but all year long! Here's how to drive on ice in 5 scenarios: snow, sleet, black ice, hail, and manmade ice

The most dangerous weather events are lightning, tornadoes, winter storms, extreme heat & floods. These 31 deadly weather facts prove it! Protect yourself.

Want to see how close lightning is? Use a lightning map! Here are some FREE lightning strike maps, apps, and guides to help you keep an eye on the lightning