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Global Warming: A Very Short Introduction

Global Warming A Very Short Introduction by Mark Maslin

Global Warming is a very complicated issue.

Finding information about Global Warming is easy.

Finding good information about Global Warming can be a bit more challenging.

I just ran across a pretty good book which is not a difficult read, yet it captures the essence of the problem.

Published in 2004, Global Warming, A Very Short Introduction is part of the Oxford Press’s series of “very short introductions.”

There is also a newer edition from 2021, Climate Change: A Very Short Introduction.

The book is written by Mark Maslin who is a Reader at the Environmental Change Research Centre in the Department of Geography at the University College of London.

Maslin begins this 148 page mini-book by explaining what Global Warming is — then goes through the current evidence and the potential future impacts.

He also explores the impact of the media on the Global Warming debate. Maslin then digs into the politics behind the debate, reaches a few conclusions, and makes suggestions for further reading.

Maslin certainly suggests that Global Warming is anthropogenic (human caused), and the contents lean in that direction.

Whether you agree with that thesis or not, the book gives you a good enough background on the topic to carry on a decent conversation at your next dinner party (ah that’ll get ya a date, eh?).