Hay fever, allergies, sneezing and watery eyes. For some people, pollen creates havoc in their lives making a good portion of the year an annual endurance test they’d rather not experience.
My father suffered from asthma and found the pollen situation in Nebraska more than his lungs could tolerate.
Our family would move numerous times trying to alleviate the impact the seasonal changes in pollen level had on his ability to breathe.
Today, forecasting trends in pollen distribution makes it much easier to determine when and where budding plant activity will likely create breathing difficulties.
This is especially helpful for those who are sensitive or allergic to this reoccurring phenomenon.
For starters, check out how the weather affects pollen counts and can determine the severity of your allergies.
When Pollen Is Prevalent
3 seasons of the year create problems for those who are allergic to pollen:
- Early spring brings tree pollen into bloom as the trees bud and leaf out.
- Late spring and summer means the grass pollen is in full force.
- By August and into September, weed pollen is the biggest problem.
For many sufferers, the only time of relief is during the winter months.
How To Monitor Pollen Counts
There are national daily pollen maps that show which areas of the country are being affected by pollen and at what level.
Here you can see what the Allergy and Hay Fever Index has been in your area for the past 30 days.
This map shows Today’s Local & National Allergy Levels.
In Northern Minnesota where I live, pollen seasons are relatively short. Of course there’s a trade-off as winter is when the pollen index reads a comfortable zero on the above chart. Our winters are both long and cold with lots of snow. No pollen flying around in these parts!
Check out the current Pollen Hot Spots — highest pollen levels across the U.S. for today and tomorrow.
Dealing With Pollen Allergies
Different types of pollen are prevalent in different areas at different times of year.
By determining what type of pollen is causing your problems, you can take steps to reduce the effect when that time of year comes around for you.
Here’s a map of the most common allergy triggers by state.
To help alleviate your pollen allergies and provide seasonal relief, it might be as simple as eliminating certain plants or grasses in your yard. Or, if possible, you might want to plan a vacation getaway during the time of year when pollen counts are the worst in your area.
At the very least, a good quality HEPA air purifier can turn your house into a safe zone and help ward off seasonal allergic reactions to pollen.
Check out Consumer Report’s air purifiers buying guide.
This video shows you how to allergy proof your home or office:
One thing’s for sure… life can be miserable during high pollen times of the year!
By using the online tools mentioned in this article, combined with precipitation forecasts, hopefully you will be able to plan your activities during periods when pollen counts are lower.
Keep in mind, rain actually helps those who suffer with pollen allergies because it washes the air clean. Plus, the moisture keeps pollen down — at least for awhile.