What’s the fall weather report look like in your neck of the woods?
Cooling, with a chance of winter toward the end of the forecast…
But, seriously, where do you turn for the latest updates on fall weather?
As a fall fanatic myself, I normally spend much of my free time on the internet between the months of August and October checking out the latest information on fall foliage report sites, fall color trackers, and climate data banks.
In most parts of the country, the weeks immediately following Labor Day mark the shift from summer weather to autumn weather, and this shift is usually marked by a beautiful change in the color of the leaves on deciduous trees.
Why The Fall Weather Report Is Important
Knowing the fall weather report is essential for many reasons, including:
- Planning a fall foliage trip
- Preparing crops for harvest
- Knowing when you can plant seeds for the coming seasons
- Taking care of fall-related household chores, like cleaning out gutters, trimming back shrubs, putting away the lawn mower and prepping your snow blower, and getting the chimney professionally inspected and cleaned
- Getting your car ready for cold weather driving
- Buying the appropriate wardrobe
Where You Can Find The Fall Weather Report
There are plenty of great weather forecasting websites where you can find the latest on the fall outlook:
- National Weather Service (NWS) Climate Prediction Center – The NWS is one of the foremost sites for seasonal climatic data. Most reports are represented by maps, tabular reports, and short-form and long-form articles. Overall, this site is chock full of great information for novices and full-fledged weather bugs alike.
- The Weather Channel – Every weatherbug’s favorite cable station offers seasonal outlook information on a periodic basis. The Weather Channel’s fall outlooks are usually first released during the late summer and tweaked throughout the early weeks of the autumn as weather patterns set in and meteorologists get a better idea on how the season is shaping up. They also offer fall foliage trackers.
- The Old Farmer’s Almanac – Nobody knows exactly how they do it, but The Old Farmer’s Almanac has claimed an 80% accuracy rate on their long-term weather reports. Is it something in the way the crow calls in the morning? Whatever they are doing to generate their long-range forecasts, they should keep it up, as they produce some great seasonal forecasts – and offer lots of great household tips, too!
Tracking Fall Weather On Your Own
Part of the fun of watching the weather is that you can make your own fall weather reports.
How do you do this?
- Buy a personal weather station or visit weather reporting websites – After gathering information on current conditions, you can predict the weather based on those trends. For example, in the northern hemisphere during the autumn, southerly or southwesterly winds and clouds building in the west and northwest can mean a cold front is approaching.
- Track fall colors – Beginning in September, begin monitoring your deciduous trees’ leaves for changes in color. Take pictures every day to compile a daily photo log of how the local trees are changing with the arrival of fall.
- Gaze at the moon – If you see a halo around the moon (caused by light shining through cirrostratus clouds, which indicate moisture and warm fronts), then rain is likely in the next three days.