Here are some really fun pictures you can create using just a blue sky, some clouds in the sky, and various props of your of choosing.
The best part: No photo editing is needed!
Yet the end result will look so amazing, that people will think your photos aren’t real.
Have a look…
We’ve all looked up in the sky and noticed interesting cloud shapes before.
This takes that a step farther…
On a blue sky day, with white billowy clouds overhead, and some fun "props" at hand, let your imagination run wild to create your own photo masterpieces.
Here are a few examples:
Other fun props that I think would be fun to try when taking your own creative cloud pictures:
- A pen or pencil that takes up where the skywriting plane leaves off
- A bubble-blowing ring
- Actual smoke rings from a cigarette joining with circular cloud rings in the sky
- A bow & arrow shooting toward a heart-shaped cloud
- A paintbrush at the bottom end of a rainbow in the sky
- A photo frame held up to "frame" an cloud-shaped object int he sky
Of course the trick is having the appropriate props for the cloud formations at hand!
More Fun Cloud Pictures
Incredible Time-Lapsed Photography
Typhoons, Hurricanes, Lightning & Cloud Formations
As a homeowner, I primarily write about weather safety tips that everyone should know in order to protect their home and family during major weather events. I especially like to share seasonal “outside the box” ideas that most wouldn’t think of in the Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall.
The weather events I’ve personally experienced include: Hurricanes (while living in Florida), Tornadoes (while living in Indiana, Texas, and Tennessee), Earthquakes (while visiting California), Blizzards (while living in New York and Indiana), and Flooding (while living in Tennessee).