Outdoor FunWeather 101

5 Dangerous (And Costly) Hurricane Myths Debunked

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By Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez

There are still many myths about hurricanes these days.

I used to believe some of them, too.

Learning the facts behind these powerful storms could actually make all the difference between life and death.

Hurricane facts and myths tend to circle about in everyday pop culture.

I grew up in Florida — one of the most hurricane-prone states in the country. However, I quickly learned that many of the things I heard about hurricanes were in fact myths that could be quickly dispelled by facts that have been proven by scientific research and studies.

For example, I thought that you could safely ride out a hurricane in a mobile home grounded with anchors. However, the truth is that mobile dwellings and other types of manufactured homes simply aren’t as durable as homes constructed from the ground up.

There are many other hurricane myths and facts you’ll need to know if you want to weather the storm.

Do you happen to live by any of these common misnomers about one of Mother Nature’s most powerful types of storms?…

Common Hurricane Myths Debunked 

5 dangerous (and costly) hurricane myths debunked by scientifically proven facts. Do you still believe any of these myths?

Hurricane Myth #1: Coastal regions are the only places that will see flooding during a hurricane.

Here are the facts…

Coastal regions are highly prone to floods during the landfall of a hurricane, but they are far from the ONLY area that will experience flooding from the storm.

In fact, inland areas can undergo extreme flooding during a hurricane.

The risk of flooding depends not just on your proximity to the shore, but also these things:

  • The prevalence of bodies of water near you
  • How low-lying your street (or yard) is
  • Where storm runoff drains are located, relative to your property

I lived on a street that had a 58-foot elevation, yet was close to a storm water retention pond and, therefore, flooded even during heavy summer thunderstorms.

Check with your local municipality for a flood plain map and to determine your risk of experiencing localized flooding

Hurricane Myth #2: The windows are the most vulnerable part of a house during a hurricane.

These are the facts…

Windows are only ONE area of concern when it comes to protecting your home from damage.

Yes, windows are likely to break under pressure from extreme wind OR upon impact by wind-driven debris. But windows are far from the only part of your home that could easily be breached during a hurricane.

Your garage door is one of the most likely components of your home to give in to high winds!

The wide panels of a typical garage door are rendered flimsy in high winds and can easily collapse if they’re not properly braced. Two-car garage doors are even more vulnerable.

You can protect your home by purchasing high-wind rated windows and doors. You can also give yourself an extra layer of protection by using metal rollaway storm shutters.

Hurricane Myth #3: Home insurance covers damage caused by a hurricane.

Here are the facts…

A commonly held belief is that your home insurance provider will provide complete coverage of any and all damage caused by a hurricane.

Facts, however, quickly dissipate hurricane myths like these.

Wind damage and flood damage are usually viewed by most insurance providers as two entirely different things!

Usually, flood insurance is a separate policy altogether, and it usually comes with a high deductible.

If you live in a hurricane-prone area OR a flood-prone area, you should definitely check with your insurance company to make sure that your home is fully insured against flood damage.

Hurricane Myth #4: You need to crack the windows before a hurricane.

These are the facts…

I grew up hearing this one, too.

The theory is that opening your windows a bit will help equalize air pressure between the indoors and the outdoors — and prevent your home from exploding during a hurricane or tornado.

Science indicates otherwise.

I’ve learned that you should always keep your windows locked tightly during a major wind storm to best protect your home from wind — especially airborne debris.

Hurricane Myth #5: A mandatory evacuation only applies to people living in trailers and along the coastline.

These are the facts…

If you live in an area that has been deemed a mandatory evacuation zone, that means you need to leave — regardless of the type of home you live in or its location.

Using a hurricane tracker can help you stay up to date on where a hurricane is heading and can give you an advanced indication if the storm is barreling your direction.

True, many times evacuation orders end up being false alarms. But, ultimately, they’re designed to save the lives of everyone in the evacuation area. Unfortunately, Mother Nature’s storms don’t always follow the prediction models to a “T.”