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Saving Our Ozone Layer: Phasing Out R22 Air Conditioning Refrigerant, Incandescent Light Bulbs & More

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By Joshua

montreal-protocol-photo-by-nasa-goddard-photo-and-video.jpgHave you heard about the phase out of R22 air conditioning & the need for R22 replacement refrigerants (freon) lately?

Well, here’s what that’s all about… it’s called the Montreal Protocol.

The Montreal Protocol regulates substances that deplete the Earth’s ozone layer — like incandescent light bulbs and R22 freon.


R-22 is the refrigerant that has been most commonly used for decades in household air-conditioning systems, and the name is a reference to its chemical formula. It falls into a class of chemicals known as HCFC’s (hydro- chloro- fluoro- carbons). Freon is actually the trade name used by DuPont to describe their R-22 product, and over time the 2 words (Freon and refrigerant) have become synonymous. R-410A is the ‘new Freon,’ at least here in the US. If R-22 has been working fine for decades, why are we changing to R-410A? There is an international environmental agreement called the Montreal Protocol.  Source


A little about what the Montreal Protocol does to protect the Earth’s atmosphere from ozone depletion:

  • Eliminates CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons)
  • Phases out use of HCFCs (Hydrochlorofluorocarbons)
  • Aims to help the ozone layer (the protective layer which filters out some harmful ultraviolet light from the sun) recover with the reduction of many gases which have been linked to its destruction
  • Has been ratified by 196 nations, including all those belonging to the United Nations
  • Is a prime example of multi-governmental cooperation in helping to keep our atmosphere and environment protected and preserved





More About Saving Our Ozone Layer

Ozone Science: The Facts Behind The Phaseout

Phase-Out Of Incandescent Light Bulbs: What You Need To Know

What You Can Do At Home To Save The Ozone Layer

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