Articles Tagged:

Global Warming

When New England fall colors arrive earlier than usual, is it a sign of climate change?

Find out what the Montreal Protocol does and how it has played a vital role in protecting the ozone layer in our atmosphere.

The Clean Air Act is a set of United States laws and codes that aim to reduce air pollution and regulate air quality.

The eruption of Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull may affect the global climate. If it does, it wouldn't be the first time a volcano contributed to climate change. The 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo actually helped to lower temperatures!

World climate change means the many of the beautiful places we know and love are changing. Now's your chance to see some of the 100 places Newsweek magazine thinks may soon look and feel different... or disappear altogether.

There are some more dramatic climate change pictures -- check out what's melting in Glacier National Park in Montana...

Bored? Not a great day to be outdoors? You can stay entertained indoors with these challenging and fun weather quiz tests.

Climate changes are occurring rapidly in many parts of the world, causing significant impacts to the homes and well-being of many types of animals. Now, there is a list of 10 animals scientists are monitoring especially closely as the climate change continues.

If you're concerned about the environment and global warming, then you'll be glad to know there are very simple things you can do to help protect the tropical rainforest. Here are some ways to stop global warming and save the rainforest.