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Global Warming

Snowicane, snowpocalypse, and snowmageddon are all words to describe the big snow blizzard that struck the United States. Perhaps those words are nothing more than hype, but one thing's for sure: more snow storms are a sign of global warming

NASA's Atmospheric Infrared Sounder is a device that is able to measure greenhouse gases, giving us more information on the agents that many scientists believe is a key aspect of global warming.

Believe it or not, the effects of global warming could actually cause the next ice age. And it may be sooner than originally thought, according to scientists.

Some scientists believe that another Ice Age will happen again someday in the future. However, miniature ice ages -- or short periods of cooling -- can occur due to natural events like volcanoes.

The NOAA reports the Arctic ice cap continues to see melting, rising temperatures, and a thawing future. How does this affect the public's outlook on global warming?

Old ship logs give us a glimpse of our climate's past. Of course, any look back at the changes our world climate has undergone over hundreds of years is going to spark a debate about global warming.

Yes, people have died while ice fishing in the late Winter, early Spring. The problem is... it's too hard to determine the thickness of the ice! Here's what you need to know about walking on thin ice or ice fishing on thin ice.

The weather ultimately determines why and how the leaves turn color each Fall. A small change in the weather can easily affect how colorful the leaves will be. Things such as the amount of moisture in the soil, temperature, and even the length of the days affect what colors the leaves will eventually turn -- and even the brightness and hue of those colors.

Who knew that there was a difference between the concepts of alternate fuel and alternate energy? Not many people on Planet Earth! We have made ourselves so dependent upon power from fossil fuel sources, that the entire world is being held captive by a very few oil-rich countries. How did these few sources come to have so much and other countries so little? They got it by eminent domain -- it was on their land when they arrived.